
Friday, October 3, 2008

September 26, 2008

Mimi and Unnamed Grandfather with the new grandbaby

Grammy and Grandpa Clark (nice pink shirts!) with Adeline

Uncle Billy, Aunt Annie, Cuz Elliana

Sister Lacy with her new niece

So, we're camped out in the hospital.  Mom and Dad were here by 5:30 am (they left Huntsville after I called and told them my water broke).  Mom and Dad Clark made it by around 9.  They were so sad they couldn't be there for the birth but we really didn't have a clue it was going to be so fast!  (Neither did the doctor and nurse - they told us lunchtime).  Lacy, Suzanne, Meredith, Billy, Ann, and Elliana made it today too.  We are so thankful that our family loves us so much to travel to see us and our newest addition.  We had a few other unexpected visitors too.  A couple of my sweet students from school, Leah Knight and Paige Kahn (friends who work at the hospital), and Rachel.  Adeline has been passed around and is loving all the attention and being held.  She stayed in the nursery tonight so we could try to sleep... So much for that!

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